Stuck Inside with my Heart Outside

Stuck Inside with my Heart Outside

Stuck Inside with My Heart Outside


  • Look out my windows a lot !
  •  Act responsibly
  • Think Good thoughts
  • REread special books
  • REwatch favorite DVDs (“Pay It Forward” and “Seven Pounds”)
  • RElearn how to cook
  • REconnect with family and friends
  • Memorize words to songs I used to sing
  • Sing
  • Delete emails
  • Clean cupboards and closets
    (Notice it is LAST on my list!)

….Some ideas….please share yours.

What are you seeing outside your window?
Are you able to get outside?


I still remember his eyes

I still remember his eyes

I know that this blog dates me but I have to relate this true story about Martin Luther King, Jr and me.

It happened a long time ago at the University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.  I was a Sophomore and, I think, it was 1957.  Martin Luther King was the guest speaker and I was one of hundreds of students eager to hear the famous civil rights leader.  I was in the balcony–a little speck from the lectern where he stood.  But I heard every word and was held in a wonderful trance as his great voice filled the packed auditorium.  His words were inspiring and full of hope.  He was speaking to idealists–we were the kids of the 50’s and eager to make our own impact in the world.  We wanted to make it better and different.  We took his words to heart and applauded him again and again.

But what I remember were his eyes.  I have seen them again and again in my memory of that day.  I have seen many pictures of his eyes but they don’t do him justice.  It is hard to describe what I saw. I remember how beautiful and expressive–moist with passion and caring– showing the kind of man he was.   I heard his words but through his eyes I saw his soul. I still remember his eyes.




  • Each day prepares me for the next day.
  • If it doesn’t come from your heart….it doesn’t count.
  • No one can find love alone.
  • An “uplift” is the opposite of a “putdown”.
  • Worrying is using your imagination to create something you don’t want.
  • Happiness is a condition that must be prepared for, cultivated, and defended privately by each person.
  • How I am to others is how others will be to me.
  • Genuinely happy individuals are few and far between.
  • Do good and don’t talk about it.
  • Anger needs to be slowly and gently handled in solo.
  • No matter what age we are or our circumstances…find a need and fill it.
  • The worst thing I could do in life is to do nothing.
  • Birds don’t sing in caves.

Roberta Macdonald
Written on 5/8/17